Архив метки: который может быть использован в МСФО

Расшифровка показателя Total operating performance (Итого операционный результат» (за период))

Трактовка специфического показателя, который может быть использован в МСФО:
Total operating performance = Total net sales + Changes in finished goods & work in progress + Own work capitalized –
– это означает, что «Итого операционный результат» (за период) = Валовая прибыль за период (то есть выручка за минусом себестоимости), (в себестоимость входят прямые производственные затраты и накладные, но производственные затраты) + Прирост готовой продукции и прирост незавершенного производства (за период) +Собственные капитализированные затраты (то есть весь прирост 08, 01 и 04 счетов – прирост в собственно созданных и капитализированных в балансе нематериальных активов, основных средств, незавершенного строительства и т.п. – еще раз обращаю внимание – что собственно созданных, а не приобретенных на стороне!)

Далее показатель Собственные капитализированные затраты может быть пожразделен на группы, в том числе Собственные затраты на разработки (нематериальный актив), собственные работы по строительству зданий и сооружений, собственные работы по созданию машин и оборудования, собственные работы по созданию прочего оборудования, мебели и прочего).
В английском варианте:
Own work capitalised
- thereof for development costs
- thereof for land and buildings
- thereof for technical equipment and machines
- thereof for other eqmt., furnitures and fixtures
- thereof others

При составлении отчета о прибылях и убытках «по характеру расходов» – некоторые компании, например, которые традиционно отчитывались по стандартам German GAAP (немецким национальных бухгалтерским стандартам) – указывают в отчете абсолютно все расходы, но в этом случае им приходится в доходы добавлять и изменение незавершенного производства, и капитализированные в балансе расходы (на собственно построенные основные средства, собственно созданные нематериальные активы и т.п.).

Да, действительно, «сверху» отчеты мы добавляем капитализированные в балансе расходы, и они не входят в выручку, но только для того, чтобы отразить «по простому, впрямую» абсолютно все понесенные расходы.

Таким образом, прибыли от стандартного отчета о совокупном доходе (прибылях и убытках) отличаться не будет, но сам отчет будет показан «менее сальдированно», бол есть более развернуто, с большими оборотами как в доходах, так и в расходах.

Хотя, с точки зрения МСФО – это не стандартно, видно влияние «континентальной школы» German GAAP (стандартов бухгалтерского учета Германии).
Например, отчет о прибылях и убытках, подверженный влиянию стандартов Германии, составленный по «по характеру расходов» (то есть по методу, где «впрямую» отражаются все расходы компании за период), может выглядеть так (на английском языке):
Gross sales revenues (third-party)
- thereof with Germany
- thereof with Western Europe & Africa
- thereof with Eastern Europe
- thereof with America
- thereof with Asia
Sales deductions (third-party)
- thereof with Germany
- thereof with Western Europe & Africa
- thereof with Eastern Europe
- thereof with America
- thereof with Asia
Gross sales revenues (affiliated entities)
Total net sales

- thereof with Germany (third-party)
- thereof with Western Europe & Africa (th. party)
- thereof with Eastern Europe (third-party)
- thereof with America (third-party)
- thereof with Asia (third-party)
- thereof total net sales (third-party)

Changes in finished goods & work in progress

Own work capitalised
- thereof for development costs
- thereof for land and buildings
- thereof for technical equipment and machines
- thereof for other eqmt., furnitures and fixtures
- thereof others

Total operating performance

Other operating income (third-party)
- thereof from the disposal of aff. entities
- thereof from the sale of intangible assets
- thereof from the sale of tangible assets
- thereof from the sale of financial assets
- thereof from the release of earn-out liabilities
- thereof from the release of provisions
- thereof from the release of accrued liabilities
- thereof from the release of specific allowance
- thereof from cross-charged overheads
- thereof from insurance indemnification
- thereof from derecognized receivables
- thereof from derecognition of credit balances
- thereof from appreciation of current assets
- thereof from appreciation of non-current assets
- thereof from related party transactions
- thereof FX gains (trade debitors/unrealised)
- thereof FX gains (trade creditors/unrealised)
- thereof FX gains (bank accounts/unrealised)
- thereof FX gains (IC & other acc./unrealised)
- thereof FX gains (realised)
- thereof fair value measurement of derivatives
- thereof others
Other operating income (affiliated entities)
Other operating income (Sales Services)
Other operating income (IT Services)
Other operating income (Central Services)
Currency translation
Total other operating income

Cost of raw materials and supplies (third-party)
Cost of raw materials and supplies (aff. entities)
Cost of purchased services (third-party)
Cost of purchased services (aff. entities)
Total cost of materials

Wages and salaries
- thereof wages and salaries
- thereof bonus
- thereof special payments (e.g. vacation bonus)
- thereof severance / exemption agreements
- thereof accrued flextime credits and vacation
- thereof accrued partial retirement
- thereof other items
Social security and other pension costs
- thereof pension costs
- thereof social security costs
- thereof employers liability insurance
- thereof severance / exemption agreements
- thereof other items
Total personnel expenses

Amortisation and depreciation
- thereof Goodwill (Consoldiation)
- thereof intangible assets (regular)
- thereof intangible assets (special)
- thereof property, plant and equipment (regular)
- thereof property, plant and equipment (special)

Other operating expenses (third-party)
- thereof from the disposal of affiliated entities
- thereof general services
- thereof temporary employees
- thereof rent for premises
- thereof rent for furnitures and fixtures
- thereof advertising, trade fair and promotion
- thereof legal, consulting and licensing expenses
- thereof office, postage and communication costs
- thereof incidental personnel expenses
- thereof maintenance
- thereof travel and entertainment expenses
- thereof supervisory board remuneration
- thereof insurance costs
- thereof contributions, fees and levies
- thereof general transport costs
- thereof sales commissions and special dir. costs
- thereof from related party transactions
- thereof from specific allowance for bad debts
- thereof FX losses (trade debitors/unrealised)
- thereof FX losses (trade creditors/unrealised)
- thereof FX losses (bank accounts/unrealised)
- thereof FX losses (IC & other acc./unrealised)
- thereof FX losses (realised)
- thereof fair value measurement of derivatives
- thereof other ventures
- thereof other taxes
- thereof incidental bank charges
- thereof motor fuels
- thereof losses from the sale of intang. assets
- thereof losses from the sale of tangible assets
- thereof losses from the sale of financial assets
- thereof from the addition to provisions
- thereof from the addition to accrued liabilities
- thereof expenses for warranty commitments (prov
- thereof potential losses (sales orders)
- thereof other expenses
Other operating expenses (affiliated entities)
Other operating expenses (Sales Services)
Other operating expenses (IT Services)
Other operating expenses (Central Services)
Currency translation PL
Currency translation BS
Total other operating expenses

Earnings before financial income and taxes

Profit/Loss from associated companies
- thereof (+/-) profit/loss for the period
- thereof (-) dividend payments received
- thereof (+/-) profit/loss from the sale
Income from affiliated entities
Other investment result
- thereof from equity investments
- thereof from non-current financial assets
- thereof from current financial assets
Write-down of financial assets (third-party)
- thereof non-current financial assets
- thereof current financial assets
Write-down of financial assets (affil. entities)
- thereof non-current financial assets
- thereof current financial assets
Write-down of shares in affiliated entities
Total investment result

Interest income (third-party)
- thereof from financial assets
- thereof from pension funds
- thereof others
Interest income (affiliated entities)
Interest expenses (third-party)
- thereof interest share pension provisions
- thereof interest share earn-out liabilities
- thereof borrowing cost on loans
- thereof cost of borrowing (commission)
- thereof from other financial liabilities
- thereof others
Interest expenses (affiliated entities)
Total interest result

Total financial result

Earnings before taxes on income

Taxes on income (effective)
Taxes on income (deferred) IC-Profit
Taxes on income (deferred) temp. diff
Taxes on income (deferred) tax loss carr.
Total deferred taxes
Total taxes on income

Profit and loss transfer (affiliated entities)

Earnings from Continuing Operations

Earnings from Discontinued Operations
- thereof operating income
- thereof disposal income

Net income

Minority interests in net income

Group share in net income

С Уважением,
Сергей Модеров, FCCA, к.э.н.
+7 921 9450055
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